This article begins with the good news that many young and ambitious people live in today’s world who don’t only think about the future but also create it with their own hands. They are interested in the development of society but often have little desire to join existing nonprofit organizations with well-established rules and structures.... Read more »

Why should we observe any holiday — let alone Memorial Day — a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed …? Historic dates, like stepping stones, create a footpath through our heritage. Experienced by one generation and recalled by those to come,... Read more »

Storytelling is now a must, and the nonprofit world is no exception. Indeed, it would be a sin not to take advantage of a tool with the unique power of persuasion. However, creating high-impact content is a complicated process that requires specific knowledge and skills. So in this article, we decided to tell you what... Read more »

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Robinson has created a great tool that we are certain that you and your students can find incredibly helpful.  Use this link. Note: this Google Calendar setup can only be done on your desktop. Next, you click the settings wheel on your Google calendar and there’s an import-export icon on the left... Read more »

You know those uber-organized people who keep color-coded calendars, never show up late, and fill the cracks in their day with productive tasks? An admirable group. Many of us, however, haven’t yet reached their madreiga. Leaders are often visionaries – creative, innovative, big-picture thinkers. Keeping track of nitty-gritty practical details isn’t always our strong suit. But there’s... Read more »

A while back, while fundraising for a kiruv project geared for American Jewish students, I decided to do something out-of-the-box. The American fundraising landscape is filled with Jewish (or Jew-ish) philanthropic foundations. Most of them weren’t established to fund your typical Torah learning program. But I wanted to conduct a little experiment. I wanted to... Read more »

For anyone running a non-profit who has ever struggled to get participants to show up, volunteers to buy in or donors to sponsor – this training is a game changer. All of the above are actually solved by having a proper marketing strategy and next Thursday, Estie Starr, who worked in marketing for Kiruv for... Read more »

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