Remember Avraham Fried’s “No Jew Will be Left Behind?” If you run a kiruv organization this is probably your motto in your quest to reach every single Jewish neshama in town. That’s the way it should be. And you will have a much greater chance of making it happen if you concentrate your efforts on different constituencies, developing them one at a time.
As sure as the sun will rise in the east tommorow, every organization knows that good PR materials, flyers, and graphics are a key ingredient to a successful shiur or fundraiser. And yet, paying a graphic artist can cost a small fortune and cripple any organization. That’s why NLE Resources is incredibly impressed by and excited
Tumblr, a unique blogging platform which allows users to provide a variety of content to their readers, is the perfect blogging site for nonprofits, simply due to its reliance on creative and concise content. While other sites are designed for lengthy and highly informative content. Tumblr flourishes with short and
At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy! 1) Four Words That Double Persuasion. 2) Top 10 FBI Behavioral Unit Techniques For... Read more »

I am writing this post because I feel like we've found such a fantastic tool that it's something that every Jewish educator, everywhere, should be using. At the beginning of August, Jeff Zigman, one of the founders of ComLinker, wrote a blog here about how it could be used to an educator's advantage (see here). After finally using it to organize
In his letters, the Lubavitcher Rebbe advised his emissaries that the dissemination of Torah has to be approached like a business. And no serious business starts off without a business plan. Wait! Don’t browse away! I know what you are thinking. “Business plan? You mean like that 350-page
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