There are yeshivos, programs, seminaries, and more who have all paid and used Google Adwords. Not only does it serve as Google’s main advertising product and main source of revenue, but it could very well help promote your organization or program to a higher level when someone is searching for something that may relate to your cause. For example,... Read more »
Today there are people who suffer from  Internet Use Disorder (IUD). This new condition is another example of how one can easily become dependent on the internet. While you aren’t suffering from this disorder, you may wonder how you can answer emails, research something using the free Bar Ilan Response Project available on, or sit at... Read more »
As rabbis, educators, and executive directors, we are all juggling a very busy schedule. Between our teaching schedules, personal responsibilities and more, it can be a major challenge to find the time to stay productive so that your many responsibilities—let alone your inbox—don’t pile up. After all, there may be times where you are required to network... Read more »
More and more parents, students or congregants may feel more comfortable to reach out to their rabbi or teacher by texting, instead of picking up the phone or scheduling an appointment in his office. After all, this is a means of communication that they feel comfortable using because it’s “quick and easy”. In fact, as... Read more »

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