This essay is reprinted from the book, “The Encyclopedia of Jewish Values” published by Urim, or the upcoming books, “The Encyclopedia of Jewish Values: Man to Man” or “The Encyclopedia of Jewish Values: Man to G-d” to be published in the future. This essay is not intended as a source of practical halachic (legal) rulings. For... Read more »

Basics: The Bible writes that G-d created the world with ten statements of language. What is language? It is the expression of the intentionality of being through sound that is boundaried by the lips, teeth, tongue, palate, and throat. The Kabbala calls it air (ruach) circumscribed by din. The Sefer HaYetzirah speaks at length of... Read more »

In this post, we want to present you with five guides to Pesach products and related resources. We are certain that this post will be useful to bookmark to access everything from one page and be able to best serve your congregants and students. The first guide is the Chicago Rabbinical Council (CRC) Guide to Passover for