Rabbi Asher Resnick initially addressed how we are meant to relate to communal challenges in an earlier essay, “Understanding Communal Difficulties & Challenges – Part I” that is found here. We now continue with Part II… Rambam on the Mitzvat Asei (Positive Commandment) of Tza’akah (Crying out to G-d) While the Rambam and the Ramban argue about the mitzvah of tefillah (prayer),... Read more »

It’s summer. Elul. Rosh Hashanah. Even the end of 2020, is approaching fast. Donors – even if they aren’t away – are less receptive. What should you do to keep donor relationships alive and ‘invested in’ before your next donor solicitation?Doing something – even small – is massive. With your big donors, connect with them through... Read more »

Then post. Need more space? Maybe an article is right for you. Can't express that excitement in text? Perhaps a video. I've seen people go out against video or other mediums, but everyone has what's right for them. Time and place for everything. I enjoy putting thoughts down in text. When I find myself running past the character limit I just go back and edit. Mostly it's a simple concept I want to convey.

As anti-racial protests resurged in Portland, Seattle and cities nationwide, scores of iconic statues, including those of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson have been torn down. The Washington Post’s Annie Gowen’s July 8 headline declared, As Statues of Founding Fathers Topple, Debate Rages Over Where Protesters Should Draw the Line. Gowen writes, Manisha Sinha, a... Read more »

People living in all parts of the world are facing so many problems due to COVID-19. The global spread of the virus has made it impossible for many company owners and employees to manage work efficiently. Many of the offices have been closed and hundreds to thousands of workers are now jobless. The worst part is that no one knows when the coronavirus will be solved.

Getting your donors to do what they always do is not that much of a big deal. Asking a $3,600 donor to give you $3,600 shouldn't be much of a challenge. Getting that same $3,600 donor, to give you $36,000 is going to take a different effort. Seth Godin, in his most recent book This is Marketing, calls it Pattern Match/Pattern Interrupt.

Recently, I sat down (on Zoom, of course!) with a group of school principals, public and independent, to find out what their top-of-mind concerns were for new teachers trying to succeed in these most unusual times. They shared the following areas as most critical for new (and even veteran) educators if they are to hit the ground running during the first days of the new school