If your budget is less than $1M, then it’s likely that your fundraising department is you, and you alone. Your time is limited, you're juggling multiple responsibilities, and you always have to prioritize where to invest your time and efforts. So where should you put in effort to get the biggest financial gain? The end of the year brings a real and unique opportunity
The difficult question of faith in God during and after the Holocaust has challenged many people for decades. The search for theological meaning for the destruction that descended upon the Jews of Europe is not a simple matter. Even if one intellectually grasps the reasons for the existence of suffering in this world, a sensitive heart still finds it hard to confront the Holocaust.
NLE Thinking Gemara Series – already a popular teaching tool in the hands of Outreach rabbis and school teachers everywhere – is proud to announce a brand new set of source materials exploring the history and depth of the custom to light increasing candles on each night of Chanukah. The shiur focuses on the famous Gemara
Remember Avraham Fried’s “No Jew Will be Left Behind?” If you run a kiruv organization this is probably your motto in your quest to reach every single Jewish neshama in town. That’s the way it should be. And you will have a much greater chance of making it happen if you concentrate your efforts on different constituencies, developing them one at a time.
As sure as the sun will rise in the east tommorow, every organization knows that good PR materials, flyers, and graphics are a key ingredient to a successful shiur or fundraiser. And yet, paying a graphic artist can cost a small fortune and cripple any organization. That’s why NLE Resources is incredibly impressed by and excited
Over the last ten years, the world has entered a new era: the Digital Age. Business, shopping and entertainment - people's entire lives - have moved online. The Kiruv world has not been slow to respond and today there is a wealth of resources available online as well as digital-savvy organizations using the web to reach out to new audiences.