The special simcha of Purim is built upon the contrast between what many call coincidences and what we understand are actually hidden miracles. Let’s begin with an obvious question. Why is the holiday called “Purim” (a drawing of lots)? Why doesn’t it have a name which is related to one of the main themes of the... Read more »
The Moral Imperative argument is one of the classic discussions which address the existence of G-d. It is also valuable in terms of what it teaches us about morality itself, and why morality matters so much to all of us. PART I — Consider what type of a world would exist if there were no absolute, objective morality. If... Read more »
The Design Proof is the simplest and clearest argument for the existence of G-d. In fact, it is so intuitively obvious that a common response is – “This sounds too simple to be true.” Check it out yourself and experience the clarity. The classical design argument is remarkably simple. There is complex design all around... Read more »
We initially addressed different types of nisyonot, what are their purposes and if everyone is given tests. We then discussed six purposes of nisyonot, followed by the nature of tests for tzadikim in contrast to those for “everyone.” The final two essays address how tests are essential for our growth and what it actually means... Read more »
We initially addressed different types of nisyonot, what are their purposes and if everyone is given tests. We then discussed six purposes of nisyonot. This essay explores the nature of tests for tzadikim in contrast to those for “everyone.” Three Mashalim (Analogies), Tests for Tzadikim (Righteous) Vs. Everyone Midrashim with the Three Mashalim Bereshit Rabba... Read more »
We previously addressed how to understand and deal with nisyonot (difficulties & challenges). This essay addresses six purposes of nisyonot. First — Nisyonot Actualize Potential The Gemara Menachot (53b) asks — “Why is Yisrael (the Jewish nation) compared to an olive? To tell you that, just like an olive gives forth its oil only through... Read more »
Introduction, Insights from the Akeidah, Understanding Nisyonot Introduction There are many important issues and questions to clarify with nisyonot (tests): Are there different types? What is their purpose or purposes? Is everyone given tests? Should we view them as positive or negative? Are they absolutely necessary for our growth and development? Is it really the... Read more »
I have prepared fifteen questions below to research and discuss the answers either before, during, or after the Seder. 1. The Mishnah in Pirkei Avot (6:2) declares — “There is no free person other than one who is immersed in the study of the Torah.” Isn’t the opposite true — i.e., that the study of... Read more »
Addressing the Tragedy of Those Who Pass Away Young A poignant Medrash (Medrash Raba — Shir HaShirim) addresses the tragedy of those who pass away young: Hashem comes down to take the shoshanim (literally roses, but understood here as tzadikim) from His orchard (Beit Knesset and Beit Medrash — Shul and Study Hall). Every single... Read more »
As painful as any death is, there is a much greater sense of tragedy when a young child passes away. This article presents classical Torah sources addressing how we should view and deal with this difficult and painful challenge. The Torah speaks about three different offerings — the animal offering (most expensive), the bird offering... Read more »