Chris Brogan is an American author, journalist, marketing consultant, and speaker about social media marketing. He recently wrote about his encounter on the evening before the annual Consumer Electronic Show (CES). He tells of a woman by the name of Peggy, who said to him that he could not attend the famous CES conference wearing... Read more »

KNOW YOURSELF TO KNOW G-D Knowledge of the self perforce precedes knowledge of G-d. If I don’t understand myself, I cannot understand the ultimate Being beyond myself. We learn this from the story of the prophet Balaam, who was asked by King Balak to curse the Jewish People. [1] As he was riding along, Balaam’s... Read more »

Nonprofits have a complex structure, so their marketing plan must be detailed, data-driven, and goal-oriented. Moreover, considering limited budgets, nonprofit marketers have no choice but to use every opportunity to gain new supporters and attract donations. So if you want to know what marketing tips for nonprofit marketing to consider in 2022, read this article.... Read more »

What is the proper path that a man should pursue? Whatever is of intrinsic value to himself and also earns him the esteem of his fellow men. [1] Ethics of our Fathers (2:1) ABRAHAM KEEPS G-D WAITING If you had to choose between chatting with G-d Himself and conversing with a mere mortal, what would... Read more »

Understanding the Power of the Shofar’s Blasts Olami rabbis seeking a new compelling way to engage their students this Rosh Hashanah can turn to Derech B’Yam HaTalmud’s new eBook. This class offers a guided approach to learning the description of the Shofar in Mesechtas Rosh Hashanah 16a-16b. The 12-page eBook presents a summary and elucidation... Read more »

We tend to think and hope that what we plan for our lives, whether day to day, or over the long haul, will come to fruition exactly how we envision it. But somehow it never turns out that way. No matter how much time we spend in planning or how detailed our plans are, the... Read more »

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