As rabbis, educators and Jewish leaders, we are constantly speaking and teaching and looking for an inspiring story or quote to help drive home our point. If you are ever looking to verify a particular quote, you should always head to the reliable Quote Investigator.  This Sherlock Holmes goes to inordinate lengths, almost a magazine article... Read more »

With summer upon us, wouldn’t it be a great opportunity to jump start a Zoom gemara class or chavrusas? Learning gemara is the perfect antidote to the Covid 19 restrictions by opening your students’ horizons and transporting them to a new frontier. Your students will be intrigued by the depth, sophistication and logic of Talmudic analysis.

Throughout the Jewish world, tens of thousands of children and young adults will soon be heading back to the classroom for another year of schooling. The excitement is palpable. For the past week or so (if not longer), children and parents have been busy purchasing and labeling school supplies, clothing, lunchboxes and other related items.... Read more »

It’s summer. Elul. Rosh Hashanah. Even the end of 2020, is approaching fast. Donors – even if they aren’t away – are less receptive. What should you do to keep donor relationships alive and ‘invested in’ before your next donor solicitation?Doing something – even small – is massive. With your big donors, connect with them through... Read more »

Then post. Need more space? Maybe an article is right for you. Can't express that excitement in text? Perhaps a video. I've seen people go out against video or other mediums, but everyone has what's right for them. Time and place for everything. I enjoy putting thoughts down in text. When I find myself running past the character limit I just go back and edit. Mostly it's a simple concept I want to convey.

People living in all parts of the world are facing so many problems due to COVID-19. The global spread of the virus has made it impossible for many company owners and employees to manage work efficiently. Many of the offices have been closed and hundreds to thousands of workers are now jobless. The worst part is that no one knows when the coronavirus will be solved.

Getting your donors to do what they always do is not that much of a big deal. Asking a $3,600 donor to give you $3,600 shouldn't be much of a challenge. Getting that same $3,600 donor, to give you $36,000 is going to take a different effort. Seth Godin, in his most recent book This is Marketing, calls it Pattern Match/Pattern Interrupt.

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