Great teachers help nurture great students. Research shows that an inspiring and informed teacher is the most important school-related factor influencing student achievement. For teachers and school leaders to be as effective as possible, they must continually expand their knowledge and skills to implement the best educational practices. Ongoing professional development keeps
In today’s digital age, it seems that every day there’s another great app or social platform that offers some value to brands. Digital is here to stay, as is mobile. Every brand, big or small, needs to accept the new reality. Engaging people needs to be optimized for mobile. The latest trend in the wave of mobile is live video broadcasting, or live streaming. The two main competitors are
When a rabbi is capable of writing essays and blog posts, he can reach out to a greater number of people, bringing his advice to a whole new level. The way you express your opinions is just as important as your ability to teach and guide your students and congregants. Thanks to specific online tools, you can boost your ability to write blog posts
Thanks to the generosity of Sylvia Freyer and the Freyer family, NJOP will be awarding 40 locations grants of up to $500 each to serve as seed money to help launch, promote and facilitate a High Holiday Beginners Service (HHBS). If your synagogue or Jewish organization has not run a HHBS during the past five years (or longer), we
Social media websites offer huge opportunities for nonprofits. Instead of trying to reach out to donors and supporters solely by organizing events, these organizations have a chance to attract a greater audience if they use social media networks with a smart strategy. Are you interested in learning how a social media marketing strategy
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