One of the key presentations at last year's President’s Conference in Israel focused on how videos are becoming the new web content. The panel emphasized that with so much information on the web, most people, including myself, skim articles rather than read them – which is probably what you're doing now. That means that a lot of people will miss the important points, while focusing on the "kleinekeit."
Recently, US News and World Report noted (see here) that the youngest "Baby-Boomers" have now turned 50. The article goes on to discuss how this massive generation is now on the cusp of retirement, and by extension, there are many implications that will be seen throughout the United States. At a Jewish communal level, this news is also worth noting.
A primary challenge for supervisors is to encourage others within their organizations to go the extra mile and get the job done in a timely manner. In order to do so, they oftentimes bulldoze their agenda through, or, at the most, appeal to the employee’s reason and/or emotion. The conversation may sound something like this:
Rabbis and educators around the world all know about It’s recognized as a global online portal that has amassed over 1,000 resources for teaching, management, and marketing. If you’ve visited (WIK) within the last several months, you’ve probably noticed that things have begun to change on this site as well.
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