A primary function of leadership is to hold firm in the face of challenge and paint a vision of a better tomorrow. Leaders must be able to guide their followers through turbulent times, in the face of resistance and second guessing. Few leaders have been able to do this better than Moshe Rabbeinu, who offered his people hope and inspiration when everything around them appeared to be coming apart. As the young Hebrew nation, fresh
Every encounter with a kiruv organization director ends with a discussion of "resources". You want to make waves and turn your organization into a happening place. There are so many areas of need, so many plans, and so many dreams. But what about resources? The answer to doing more and better in 2014 (and for years after)
Earlier this year, we featured a great post by Rabbi Zach Swigard entitled, Everything You Need to Know About Prezi. He explained what Prezi is in a clear and precise manner that allowed you to see how you can use it to really enhance anything from shiurim to donor presentations. Since then, Prezi has made some major updates that have made it much easier to use! And so, if you've thought of using Prezi
Perhaps the most fundamental philosophical conundrum contained in Parshas Va’Era relates to the apparent injustice associated with the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart (Shemos 7:3, et al). Where was the justice, we wonder, in Hashem augmenting Pharaoh’s inherent cruelty and stubbornness
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