Torah Live is graciously offering all NLE Resources registered users, the ability to use for FREE the amazing videos below (the videos are usually only free for home users but not for teachers): 1) Four animations about the laws of building a kosher sukka: How to Build a Sukka parts 1-4. 2) Four videos about the laws... Read more »
In our last post, we analyzed Moshe’s initial response to Hashem’s directive. He has been told to descend immediately from the mountain as “his” people had grievously sinned. Following a brief prayer designed to avert immediate disaster, Moshe
Nowadays, everyone talks about trying to reach his or her congregants, donors, and students on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Still, we all know that when it comes to communicating with shul members or trusted donors, it's email marketing
The way nonprofit organizations are composing and circulating periodical information is altering dramatically, and those associations that are still caught up in applying old layouts and designs when publishing their fundraising requests and bulletins