There is no controversy in Judaism regarding the concept of human dignity. It is universally recognized as an important idea, with the issues discussing only how important dignity is in the hierarchy of Jewish values and why it is so important. Indeed, it is vital to ascertain which Jewish values are less significant than human... Read more »

As a human being – let alone a person who works as a Jewish leader and in the nonprofit space – you need to be an amazing online and offline communicator. To that end, we aim to follow communication trends to effectively reach our students. I’m sure you’ve seen that LinkedIn has recently also added... Read more »

Traditionally, corporate leadership has been understood as a mechanism through which managers drive and inspire their employees to increase production and profits. This narrow, results-oriented view is slowly diminishing, however. An increasing number of contemporary theorists are asserting that leaders also have the responsibility to establish and maintain moral and ethical standards within their organizations.... Read more »

This is the second essay in a series applying values from Biblical leaders to contemporary leadership. Abraham is the father of modern monotheistic thought and practice, a truth-seeker who pursued his beliefs at great personal risk. He was also a great teacher, one who shared his novel ideas and firm convictions with the world around... Read more »

The first in a series on Biblical leaders. Contemporary society has increasingly come to think of leaders as well-positioned people with strong connections, possessing such qualities as power, charisma and wealth.[1] Rarely is much consideration given to their character and deeds, not to mention the impact that they make on those around them. Walk into... Read more »

As rabbis, educators and Jewish leaders, we are constantly speaking and teaching and looking for an inspiring story or quote to help drive home our point. If you are ever looking to verify a particular quote, you should always head to the reliable Quote Investigator.  This Sherlock Holmes goes to inordinate lengths, almost a magazine article... Read more »