At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy!   1) Intermarriage: Just Say “No”, and Mean It! 2) Use this handy... Read more »

The Jewish Education Innovation Challenge (JEIC), sponsored by the Mayberg Family Foundation, is soliciting proposals to pilot innovative educational models in Jewish day schools. The objective is to identify and fund experimentation with new methodologies that foster and reward student effort, enthusiasm and proficiency.
This Shabbos, Jews all over the world are coming together to keep Shabbos. What a great opportunity to brush up on the laws of this special day! To mark the event, Torah Live is rolling out a 50-video course on how to keep Shabbos properly. The videos will cover all the 39 melachos PLUS the laws of medicine on Shabbos, muktzeh,
KASHRUS Magazine is giving away up to 1,000 FREE one year subscriptions (value $25) to people anywhere in the USA who begin keeping kosher in 5776 (September 2015—September 2016). KASHRUS Magazine, the periodical for the kosher consumer, informs the public on the latest in kosher news. "We want to enhance
The hallmark of an inquisitive Jew is his or her questions. Few educators have encountered such an enormous range of questions from newcomers to Judaism as Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff, Educational Director of the Jewish Enrichment Center in New York City. In this capacity, Rabbi Hajioff teaches and fields questions from streams of young