This week’s parasha, in describing Moshe’s plea to Hashem about his immediate successor, details what true leadership looks like. “Let the L-rd, the G-d of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, who may go out before them, and who may go in before them, and who

I remember the comment as if it were yesterday. As a high school teacher living in Chicago, I had been invited to a school weekend “spirit” event for students and faculty at an area hotel. The facility’s sat on a sprawling property and its layout was unconventional to say the least, which made navigation from one place to another
Applying the wisdom of Torah to contemporary challenges is never simple; it is however exceptionally challenging when it comes to Jewish foreign affairs. Our Sages taught us that Parshas Vayishlach contains the template for how Jews should conduct themselves with foreign entities, containing as it does the reunion of

Once upon a time there was a prince who was living with his family in a beautiful palace. Unfortunately, after a while, the prince and his extended family began to fight amongst themselves. They called each other names and attempted to discredit each other and eventually there was baseless hatred between them. The
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