We are going to learn a simple idea that will build powerful and valuable donor interactions. In between receiving donations, we want to look for ways to give something back to our donors. The bigger the donor, the more we want to have these building opportunities. Before the Chaggim, there’s an additional
So you just received a meaningful donation from a donor. What should you give the donor that makes him feel valued so he wants to give again and again? If we want to build long-term relationships with our bigger donors to ensure their continued giving, we have to get this right, all the time. I tell the
It happens to EVERYONE...The outcome of the fundraising meeting was not exactly as we wanted it to be. We often can forget to apply the basics of successful fundraising that move people to give their support. Therefore, EACH and EVERY time you ask for support, as fundraising guru Jeff Brooks creatively puts it, make certain your request is ‘S.U.R.E,’
"Gold Mining," as the name implies, means going to those places where you are most likely to find gold. In order to attract new major potential donors to your projects, one of the ways is to go through all your present and past major donors, (that are major to you, often $5,000 plus) and ask yourself, ‘How did I acquire each of these donors?’ If you have 5-50 present and past large donors, then this simple exercise should take you 30-60
The year flew by and it's time to go back to your major donors to ask them to renew or increase their donation to your project. Aside from a pre-Pesach call, Rosh Hashanah gift and your twice-a-year email update, you have a feeling that there is something more that you should have been doing. Perhaps, some more relevant and personalized interactions, but you're
If your budget is less than $1M, then it’s likely that your fundraising department is you, and you alone. Your time is limited, you're juggling multiple responsibilities, and you always have to prioritize where to invest your time and efforts. So where should you put in effort to get the biggest financial gain? The end of the year brings a real and unique opportunity
Last week, NLE Resources posted the first half of a post (see here) from Avraham Lewis.  We thank him for sharing with us his fundraising insights, and present the second and final part here: What is the next step I need to take? Then, once you have clarified what you need to do for this donor, list... Read more »