Many people believe that, above all, "family values" must be emphasized for the United States to be as strong again as it once was. However, the concept of the traditional nuclear family as we know it is gradually disappearing from society with the current high divorce rate,
Today, the average person is wealthier by far than at any other time in human history. Inventions have made life easier and more convenient than ever before.
This chapter will uncover what is unique about Purim through a Piyut, a liturgical prayer-poem called Shoshanat Yaakov, that traditional Jews recite immediately upon the completion of the reading of the Book of Esther (called the Megillah) on the night of Purim
The spate of public arrests in the past few years by Jews who have swindled the government and many other people points to a serious breakdown in Jewish values. The most famous of these cases involves
Revenge is defined as the infliction of punishment in return for injury or insult, or the desire to retaliate or repay an injury or wrong. It is a basic human emotion or action, which is both intense and natural.
Jealousy is defined as “feeling resentment against someone because of their success or advantages.” Judaism has much to say about this feeling, and the particular sin, when acting upon this emotion in a specific manner.
Most experts agree that the city of Jerusalem has no special strategic value or terrain that makes it a desirable location for an occupying army. Neither does Jerusalem possess many natura
In addition to publicizing the miracle and victory of the first rebellion in history on behalf of religious freedom, Chanukah and its customs contain many other concepts and moral ideas.
All living beings in the world require nourishment to continue to live and to survive. In this particular aspect, man is no different from any other living creature. However, man is unique among creatures of the world in other aspects regarding food.
Our society often judges people by the friends they choose. A good friend can help make life more meaningful and worth living, but most people who we call "friends" are actually only acquaintances, not true friends. How does one discern between who is a true friend