I have had the Samsung Chromebook S3 ($249) since January of this year. In many regards, it is an amazing post-PC device. It runs the Chrome Operating System (OS) – a variant of the Linux Operating System. The truth is, however, you never actually see or interact with the OS since everything you do (and really can do) is through the Chrome browser itself. Little wonder, then, that
The difficult question of faith in God during and after the Holocaust has challenged many people for decades. The search for theological meaning for the destruction that descended upon the Jews of Europe is not a simple matter. Even if one intellectually grasps the reasons for the existence of suffering in this world, a sensitive heart still finds it hard to confront the Holocaust.
Over the last ten years, the world has entered a new era: the Digital Age. Business, shopping and entertainment - people's entire lives - have moved online. The Kiruv world has not been slow to respond and today there is a wealth of resources available online as well as digital-savvy organizations using the web to reach out to new audiences.
At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy! 1) Four Words That Double Persuasion. 2) Top 10 FBI Behavioral Unit Techniques For... Read more »