In the Chareidi Jewish world, there are too few women “Gedolos” (larger than life individuals). The reason is obvious since a woman is generally in the background in accordance with the verse in Tehillim (45:14), “All honor [awaits] the King's daughter who is within.” Therefore, most great Jewish women are private individuals whose greatness is seen by very few outside the

The wedding was magnificent. A beautiful chuppah took place on the beach as the sun set, and then it was time to go inside for the reception. I looked at my place card and went to my assigned table. When I got there, I was startled to discover that I was seated at a table of the chassan’s young friends, many of whom I had

On the morning after the historic upset in the election, the chazzan at the minyan I attended finished the repetition of the Amidah and something unusual occurred. One person called out “Hallel,” indicating that for him it was a miraculous day in which we should sing out to the Almighty in appreciation. Immediately, another person called out “Tachanun,” proclaiming the day as one
There are amazing lessons to be learned from the surprising results of the US 2016 Election. President-elect Donald J. Trump defied all expectations from the very start of his campaign. They said he would never win the primaries – but he did. They said he would never climb in the polls – but he did. They said he would never win

When I awoke this morning at 4 AM I finally allowed myself the ‘luxury’ of doing that which I had ‘religiously' denied myself the entire evening, namely, to find out who won? I decided that until I awoke there was no reason to inquire as to how it was going since as Yogi Berra said, “It ain't over till it's over.” As the words
Most people think of themselves as “good” people. In fact, I have often heard from those who are less than scrupulous or meticulous with halacha (Jewish law), “I am not be so careful about observing Shabbos and I may eat dairy out, but to me Judaism is about being a good person and that is what I focus on.” Recently I