As busy rabbis and educators, we are all sending and receiving thousands of emails a month. To that end, it's important to be aware of how you can get people to not just read your messages — but to respond to them as well! Over the past year, Boomerang researched what factors contribute to getting higher response
Are you the director or manager of a nonprofit organization (NPO)? Well, I appreciate the fact that you bring good to the world. But I also know that fundraising may turn a tough and challenging task for a NPO. That’s why I collected the following ten tips on how to raise funds to launch your philanthropic projects:
Just because your organization may be a nonprofit doesn't mean it can't take advantage of the same strategies for-profit organizations use every day to grow their businesses quickly and predictably. In today's digital world, there are numerous opportunities to generate awareness for your cause, secure
One of the most important components of Jewish life is expanding one’s knowledge through education. Improving your ability to write books, articles, and essays can contribute to your success as a rabbi and educator. You may be a great professional in your area of expertise, but producing a highly researched, well-