On May 7, 2016 a test-driver of a driverless Telsa was killed when neither he nor the car’s auto sensing system were able to avert a large white 18-wheel truck and trailer travelling in the opposite direction making a left turn across his lane on the highway. According to police reports, the car drove under the trailer knocking off the

At the end of Parshas Vayechi, both Yaakov Avinu and Yosef HaTzadik die, are buried and mourned. It is an appropriate juncture to address the eternal question: what happens to us when we die? Death, it is often said, is a part of life. For those who remain alive and experience the death of a relative or close friend, this is certainly
Olami Resources is happy to present a series of free installments featuring Rabbi Avraham Edelstein’s important new book, The Human Challenge. This week we are sharing the third essay from Section One – A Purposeful Life – entitled, Journey and Destination. ___________________ Man attains his unique identity when, after having been enlightened by G-d that he is... Read more »

Operating a nonprofit organization successfully requires a lot of hard work and dedication. At times, it can be particularly challenging and even unrewarding. But that’s when you should rely the most on your team’s strength and trust your staff to persevere through these hard times. However, this is only possible if your team is strong.... Read more »

If your donor tells you to expect a smaller donation this time, what do you do? Can you negotiate? Before I had the privilege of guiding others in their fundraising, I spent over a decade raising funds for some incredible organizations. Alongside seeing lots of hatzlacha, I did bump into failure plenty of times along... Read more »

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