The English Department of The Halacha Education Center, directed by HaRav Yosef Zvi Rimon, produces theFrom the Source with Spirit series of educational materials. When completed, the series will feature a comprehensive range of curricula in halacha, offering a depth of understanding through an educational approach that is inspiring
KASHRUS Magazine is giving away up to 1,000 FREE one year subscriptions (value $25) to people anywhere in the USA who begin keeping kosher in 5776 (September 2015—September 2016). KASHRUS Magazine, the periodical for the kosher consumer, informs the public on the latest in kosher news. "We want to enhance
Advancements in technology not only help empower people to become more productive in their work, but also provide a larger platform for educators and rabbis to present and spread their knowledge and teachings to students
How do you organize and plan your shiurim, including your 1-on-1 sessions? If you are learning weekly with one of your partners, and he cancels one week, how do you remember what you were up to in the previous session? If you send him an email related to your learning (news clip, for example), how do you keep track of that
The hallmark of an inquisitive Jew is his or her questions. Few educators have encountered such an enormous range of questions from newcomers to Judaism as Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff, Educational Director of the Jewish Enrichment Center in New York City. In this capacity, Rabbi Hajioff teaches and fields questions from streams of young Jewish men and women every year, most of whom have recently returned from the Birthright Israel experience.
If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear. Mark Twain. At the beginning of my principal tenure I was heavily criticized for rushing into decisions without getting sufficient input and feedback. I had been under the clear impression that certain changes needed to be made quickly in order to gain the trust of the board that had hired me.
When a rabbi is capable of writing essays and blog posts, he can reach out to a greater number of people, bringing his advice to a whole new level. The way you express your opinions is just as important as your ability to teach and guide your students and congregants. Thanks to specific online tools, you can boost your ability to write blog posts
Mail -- it's one of those things you cannot live with and cannot live without. On the one hand it is a useful way of communication, on the other hand, it never seems to stop and it just keeps piling up. As a rabbi, you might not be surprised to learn that almost every Tzedaka organization in the world seems to have my shul on their mailing list.
I am embarrassed this morning. I am embarrassed for two reasons. I am embarrassed that this week my computer imploded and I am faced with the loss of all of my 'creative writing' for the past five years. Why I am embarrassed about this? I am embarrassed that I am so upset about this!
There is a place tucked away in the alleyways of the Holy City; its structure is not grand and it has no massive lobby and certainly no parking lot. The building is not impressive and it is not on the list of the ten ‘must see' places on most people's itinerary when they come to Israel. That's too bad, because it really is a place to visit. It is a place to daven. It is a place to learn.