Torah Live is graciously offering all NLE Resources registered users, the ability to use for FREE the amazing videos below (the videos are usually only free for home users but not for teachers): 1) Four animations about the laws of building a kosher sukka: How to Build a Sukka parts 1-4. 2) Four videos about the laws... Read more » is an exciting and easy-to-use website that allows you to create unique graphic products and promotions that you’ll love to use.  Here’s just some of the stuff that has to offer:   1) Create Motivational Posters: This section of their site allows you to easily upload any picture and use it to create a customized motivational... Read more »
Under the guidance of Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, I founded PROJECT FELLOW—Yesharim Foundation for Ethical Law as a means to spread awareness of topics related to Choshen Mishpat. PROJECT FELLOW has materials that can be used as a tool for in-reach and outreach. We offer free weekly source sheets
The Star-K is known throughout the world as being a reputable kashrus organization. Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, the rabbi of Agudath Israel of Baltimore, has served as the Rabbinic Administrator since 1971. Today, it is one of the only kosher certification organizations with a dedicated customer service
The Chumash is our most fundamental Jewish text. Unfortunately, for many Jews it remains a difficult text to read, learn, and enjoy. Rabbi Shlomo Skinner wrote, “How to Learn Chumash with Rashi” for adults who want to develop independent learning skills. The book guides the learner through a step-by-step method to learn any verse in Chumash. The... Read more »