Perhaps the most fundamental philosophical conundrum contained in Parshas Va’Era relates to the apparent injustice associated with the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart (Shemos 7:3, et al). Where was the justice, we wonder, in Hashem augmenting Pharaoh’s inherent cruelty and stubbornness
A number of days ago, Google released YouTube Rewind 2013. The YouTube Rewind feature is something that the company has offered for several years now and is a playlist of the most popular trending, searched, and viewed videos of the year. At first glance, this feature will not help a rabbi or school—nor any sort of nonprofit organization!
When it comes to successful social media sites, names such as Facebook or Twitter may quickly pop into your head. Let's be honest, most people don't think of Google+ in the same sentence as those popular social networking sites. In this post, we will explain why you should consider bolstering your presence on Google+, the social networking service owned
If your budget is less than $1M, then it’s likely that your fundraising department is you, and you alone. Your time is limited, you're juggling multiple responsibilities, and you always have to prioritize where to invest your time and efforts. So where should you put in effort to get the biggest financial gain? The end of the year brings a real and unique opportunity